Nissan Frontier - Alarm Clock
To launch the new Nissan Frontier in Latin America, we decided to tell the story of the main target: the early risers.
People who wakes up before the clock even rings.
They wake up because they need to do things.
They need to create, to execute.
Full copy:
There’s an alarm clock
that makes you wake up
even before the sun rises.
And when it goes off,
it’s not to wake you up
in the middle of a dream.
It’s to wake you up
FOR your dream.
Because this alarm clock
it’s not by your bed.
It rings within you.
Who was born to do,
does even more
with Nissan Frontier.
People who wakes up before the clock even rings.
They wake up because they need to do things.
They need to create, to execute.
Full copy:
There’s an alarm clock
that makes you wake up
even before the sun rises.
And when it goes off,
it’s not to wake you up
in the middle of a dream.
It’s to wake you up
FOR your dream.
Because this alarm clock
it’s not by your bed.
It rings within you.
Who was born to do,
does even more
with Nissan Frontier.

CCO...Felipe Luchi
CD...Sthefan Ko, Guga Diehl
AD...Alexandre Kazuo
CW...Lucas Ribeiro
Film Production...Landia
Film Director...Nico Kasakoff
Audio Production...A9
Making Of Photos...Pablo Vaz
CD...Sthefan Ko, Guga Diehl
AD...Alexandre Kazuo
CW...Lucas Ribeiro
Film Production...Landia
Film Director...Nico Kasakoff
Audio Production...A9
Making Of Photos...Pablo Vaz